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Tuesday, August 6, 2013

30 Day Book Challenge-Day 6

So I've been MIA for a little while. Mostly I was just taking a break from blogging because after almost 3 years it had started to feel like a chore and that is not how I wanted to look at it all. Now I finally feel ready to start posting again. And what better way to start the habit of posting regularly again than doing a 30 day challenge. So for 30 days in August I'll be posting daily for the challenge, and on August 31st I'll post a surprise!
Now, just to put this out there right now, I reserve the right to cheat on this challenge. Cheat as in if it asks for one favorite book...I might put two...or 5.
Let the challenge begin!


Both of these books broke my heart in very different ways, but either way, I was sad. 
You should read them and be sad too.


  1. I hear ya about blog burnout. It all seems to be harder in the summer I think. Good idea to try a blogging challenge to get reinvigorated. And yes- both of your book choices make me tear up just thinking about them!

    1. It does seem harder in the summer, which is strange since I'm busier during the school year.


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