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Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Holiday Readathon with a Challenge.

Hey guys! 
So the Christmas season is pretty much already upon us. Stores are already being decorated or are decorated, they have Christmas music playing, parties are being planned, and if you are like me you have started your Christmas cards and shopping. But before you get all wrapped up in the hustle and bustle you should add a little reading down time to your schedule. This is not just any reading time though, this is reading time with a cause. The cause being you pledge money to a charity for every page or book you read. 
Here is the challenge from Liza Wiemer (readathon host) at
  "Pledge a penny, or two, or three (or any amount you want!) per page for the books that you will read.  Put a minimum number that you will pledge.  For example:  100 pages – $1.00."
 THIS IS ON THE HONOR SYSTEM! Donate the dollar amount to a charity of your choice to make a child happy over the holidays or use it to buy a toy or book for any holiday collection or donate a book to your local library.

 Now I will be in the middle of finishing up packing my apartment to move from Tennessee to Colorado with my husbadn, so I don't know how much reading I'm going to be able to get done, but hopefully a lot more than I think. But I will be donating $5 for every book I read with a $10 minimum. That way, no matter how much I am able to read, I will be donating no less than $10. And if I am lucky enough to read more, then I'll be able to give more. My charity of choice is Toys For Tots or donate the money to the Border's Christmas book drive.
And there will be something in it for you if you participate (other than getting to read and give) other bloggers have signed up to give away prizes over the 4 days and there is a Twitter party that Sunday that you may win something just for participating AND everyone who signs up for the Readathon is automatically entered to win a $15 or B& giftcard (your choice). Awesome right?!

I really hope you decide to sign up and join. It is going to be loads of fun!

p.s. If you have a Twitter, you can keep up with everyone that weekend by using the hashtag #readathon :)

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for adding this on to your site, Jessica! Looking forward to the readathon!


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