I love new years. It's always just so exciting to me getting to make tons of new plans and wondering where the year will take you.
Last year was a crazy year for me in my real life, so my blog suffered. 2013 I will be back in full swing on the blog. I missed everything about blogging so I can't wait to jump back in and really give it my all again.
So for 2013 my blogging/reading list of resolutions is:
- Read at least 100 books. (That was my goal last year, but I only read half that...oops)
- Comment more.
- Get involved in the author/blogger community again. I miss you guys.
-Take it easy. I stress myself out so much for not having been able to post that much, but I don't want blogging to be a stressful thing. It's my fun thing, so when I don't get posts up there will be no stressing.
-Expand my reading horizons. Last year I stepped out of my comfort zone and picked up my first romance novel. I loved it and devoured many throughout the year. This year I will try more books that I never thought I would pick up. Suggestions are welcome :)
So far, that's what I have. I may think of more later if any come to mind.
For my reading challenges I am joining:
I love debut authors and I get so excited for new authors to have their books FINALLY get released. I'm super stoked to take part in this challenge again and be able to celebrate these awesome authors accomplishments again!
I will have a tab up by the end of the week with some of the debut books (with links) that I want to read.
TBR Pile 2013 hosted by multiple bloggers. (6 to be exact)
I have a lot of books. When Borders went out of business I went a little over board with buying sale books, I frequent Half Price Books almost weekly, library sales happen, school fund raiser sales, Amazon cutting prices on ebooks....throughout the years I acquired more books than I realized. This is the perfect challenge for me to get in gear and get some of those books I already have read.
Since you can move up levels but not down I'll start out with the goal of 'A Sweet Kiss' which is 21-30 books. Hopefully I'll be able to move up.
I love most British things so this sounded like a fun challenge to take part in this year, getting to branch out and find some British authors to love :)
The first two weeks of January I'll be looking up some books to read for this one and will post them on my challenge tab soon.
I did this one last year...and read 30 books less than I did in 2011.
So here's to hoping I do better than that in 2013.
I'm going for 'Breaking a Sweat' which is 11-15 more books than last year.
Piece of cake :p
Around the World Challenge hosted by Giraffe Days
This one just sounds like so much fun. Hunting down a book from each of these countries and giving them a whirl. Count me in!
These are the countries we will be visiting:
JANUARY = France
MARCH = Wales
APRIL = Fiji
MAY = Belgium
JUNE = South Korea
JULY = Israel
AUGUST = Palestine
DECEMBER = Argentina
And last but not least, I'll have my Goodreads reading challenge which will be set to 100 books!
Happy 2013 everyone!!